Wanted Alive Podium

Wanted Alive Podium

Staycold would like to thank all the entrants who took part in our Wanted Alive campaign. Cumulatively more than one hundred and twenty-five years of staying cold are seen here on the podium! We were looking for our oldest beverage cooler that is still in working...
Entries arriving for our Wanted Alive! Competition

Entries arriving for our Wanted Alive! Competition

We at Staycold International have been receiving entries for our Wanted Alive! Competition that launched in August 2020. This was launched to coincide with our hunt to find the oldest working Staycold beverage cooler in Southern Africa.   The winning unit will be...
A Time for Reflection

A Time for Reflection

Thusong Day Care Centre was founded by former teacher Maria Mopeli in the Mokwallo township outside Vredefort, FS.   From a tin shack in a dusty field, her aim was to provide a place where children could get assistance with homework.  Since then, her modest...